Sundarbans in Bangladesh

An Indian tiger in the wild. Royal ,Bengal tiger
An Royal Bengal Tiger in the wild

The Bangladeshi Sundarbans is around twice the size of the Indian Sundarbans and conservation efforts requires a more extensive plan in order to be successful.  In order to achieve this, the Bangladesh government has split the Sundarbans into four distinct ranges: Saraskola, Khulna, Chandpai, and Burigoalina. Each range is independently managed by a group within the Forest Department of Bangladesh. In all four ranges, the focus is primarily on the conservation of the Royal Bengal Tiger population since it is a symbol of ecosystem health. By conserving the tiger population, the Forest Department is able to conserve the entire ecosystem because tigers need a vast habitat to survive. This conservation is also critical for national security against extreme cyclones and other impacts of climate change. The main threats to the conservation efforts are the international demand and illegal trade of tiger parts, and the impacts of development and construction within the region.

Sundarbans Tiger Project

Rampal Power Station

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